Total jerk steals one-handed guitarist's prosthetic

Well, if you were wondering if humanity has finally reached the bottom of the barrel, it looks like we are getting close. Recently, guitarist Timm was performing at John and Peter's in New Hope, PA. Notably, Timm is one handed, and over the years, has personally developed and engineered a few prosthetics that allow him to play the guitar. The different prosthetics each have a different function, making each one unique and irreplaceable. Despite this man's Iommi-level (or greater) of willingness and intelligence to overcome the obstacles, while Timm was performing, someone from the audience rooted through his kit bag and stole one of his unique guitar playing prosthetics. Timm is offering a reward for the return of the device and has a no questions asked policy. He stated: "I need this back badly. It's a one-of-a kind, it took a long time to design and build. It is worthless to anybody else except for me. I play guitar with it. The diamoind on the side of it is a fake. It is zircon. It cost me $12 back in 1992." Anyone with any information should telephone Timm at 267-746-0386, or, simply leave it with the staff at John and Peter's.

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